Scenario: Perform a finite element analysis (FEA) of a multi-span bridge subjected to various loads, including live loads, dead loads, and wind loads. The bridge includes complex geometries, supports, and boundary conditions.
Scenario: Conduct a dynamic analysis of a 30-story high-rise building subjected to an earthquake using a time-history analysis method. The building has complex structural elements and non-uniform mass distribution.
Scenario: Analyze the interaction between a deep foundation (e.g., piles or caissons) and the surrounding soil under complex loading conditions. The analysis includes evaluating settlement, bearing capacity, and lateral resistance.
Scenario: Create a detailed hydrological model for a large watershed to simulate and analyze river discharge, flood risk, and water quality under various scenarios, including land use changes and climate variability.
Scenario: Perform a reliability analysis of a complex structure (e.g., an industrial plant or high-rise building) considering uncertainties in material properties, loads, and construction methods.